Testimonial: How I scaled from $5K a day to $10K a day by outsourcing tasks to Jive VA's

I didn’t have the energy to be skeptical. I said a prayer and filled out their contact form, and they got back to

John Carter
December 27, 2021

If you run any sort of business, then I’m sure at some point you’ve wished for more hours in the day. That was me. I was doing everything myself. Managing inventory, customer support, even packing and shipping orders. My business was generating about 5k/day and, having just left a salaried 9-5 job, that seemed like enough to make it all worth it.

Until I started noticing the looks my family would give me when I bailed on dinner or brought my laptop to bed. The worst moment was my birthday. Of course I worked that day, but I was proud that I managed to make it to dinner nearly on time. When I got there, sitting on my plate was a blue, homemade card in my husband’s handwriting. My husband, the perennial Hallmark purchaser and least emotional man on the planet, had broken out the arts and crafts and made me a card? I forced a smile, picked it up, and read it. The last line was, “It’s been hard. I miss you. I hope we get to spend more time together this year.”

I started this business to make us a better life but, instead, I was making my family miserable.

After that, I tried to set boundaries for myself: no work after 7pm, or a designated day off each week. As I’m sure you can imagine, that didn’t last. I needed either more hours in the day or more hands to do the work. I looked into recruiting firms, hoping to find an assistant, but the fees to even retain their services were astronomical. Local college kids wanted $25/hour to help me ship packages. Worst of all, the hours it took to look into hiring was adding to my workload and, for the first time, I began to question if business was for me.

Then, about a month ago, I had fallen asleep on my laptop and woke, keys imprinted on my cheek, to the sound of a Facebook alert. One of the guys in my selling group tagged me in a post about this company, Jive Staffing. They help people hire support staff for the price of a coffee in New York City.

I didn’t have the energy to be skeptical. I said a prayer and filled out their contact form, and they got back to me the next day. After listening to my needs, they sent me a candidate to interview and within a week I had hired Ana. She has 5 years’ experience in customer service and inventory management and could start immediately.

Ana’s been part of my team for about a month now, it’s been life-changing. She’s handling all of my customer service (and doing a better job than I was!) and creating systems to manage my inventory; it’s giving me back nearly 40 hours/week. I’ve been able to be creative again, to work on my business instead of just in it. We just had our first 10k day. I'm over the moon and can't recommend Jive enough.

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