6 Ways Virtual Assistants Can Help Scale Your Amazon Seller Business

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Lily Woods
December 25, 2021

6 Ways Virtual Assistants Can Help Scale Your Amazon Seller Business

One of the most important aspects of scaling your amazon seller business is managing your time. If you are running a one-man operation, this may not be an issue for you. However, if you have grown into a team or even just want to spend more time on sourcing and product development, then hiring help can make things much easier!

In this blog post, we will discuss 6 ways that virtual assistants can help scale your amazon seller business.

#1 Accounts Payable

The first way our team has benefited from using virtual assistants is by delegating accounts payable functions. Virtual assistance can ensure all invoices get sent out on time and follow up with any outstanding payments - freeing us up to spend valuable time elsewhere!

#2 PPC / Social Media

Another area where a VA comes in handy is running PPC ads and social media campaigns. With so much competition online these days it’s crucial that your ads are running efficiently and that you’re targeting the correct keywords. A skilled VA can take care of all of this for you, as well as analyzing your data to help improve your campaigns.

#3 Customer Service

If customer service is important to your business, virtual assistants can be a huge help in managing this aspect too! From handling returns and refunds to answering customer inquiries, VAs can take on a lot of the day-to-day tasks that come with providing great customer service. Additionally, if you’re looking to grow your Amazon FBA business internationally, it’s important to have someone who understands the cultural differences and can communicate effectively with potential buyers in other countries.

#4 Listing Refreshes

One of the most time-consuming - and often frustrating - tasks for Amazon sellers is listing refreshes. Virtual assistants can take care of all your listing upkeep needs, from re-writing the title, bullets, and description to beat out your competitor’s juice and increase rank. This will free you up to focus on other important aspects of your business.

#5 Sourcing New Products

If you’re looking for help sourcing products, a virtual assistant can be a great asset! They can do product research, compile competitor data, and even contact suppliers on your behalf. Having someone who is familiar with the process of importing goods from China can save you a lot of time and hassle.

#6 Inventory / Order Management

Are you struggling to keep up with orders? A VA can help out by taking care of order processing, packing and even shipping! This will not only free up your time, but it can also help you ensure that each of your orders is sent out on time.

Virtual assistants are skilled at many different tasks - which means they’re equipped to handle everything from marketing campaigns to social media outreach . What this does for sellers is create more opportunities to expand their business by reaching new customers through additional channels.

Having a VA who understands the ins-and outs of Amazon SEO is invaluable, especially when starting out with FBA. They can make product listings come alive by adding great keywords and descriptions as well as finding ways to improve rankings across multiple categories. Having an extra set of eyes checking all aspects of your amazon listing content has never been so valuable!

Virtual Assistants can manage your time more efficiently, freeing you up to work on other aspects of the business. Not only will this allow you to expand into new areas that require some degree of attention but it also allows you be present in those important meetings with customers or suppliers.

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